search engine optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation

Today’s search engine optimisation is a careful and subtle balancing act combined with concise alignment. Benefits are a reduced dependency on PPC and increased search visibility 

For the uninitiated Search Engine Optimisation ( SEO ) Should be considered a centric practice . Guiding all other online activities. SEO has evolved from its hey-day where bad practice leveraged loopholes, where cloaked pages and doorways reigned supreme. The icing on the cake was almost always an excessive amount of keyword stuffing thrown in for good measure.

Moving forward, SEO now consists primarily of tasking unique purposeful content to equally unique descriptions and aligning it both on and off page factors to achieve your long term SEO goal. Vertical Consulting offer a fixed pricing scheme which is affordable for entry-level users and scalable for SME’s . Bespoke plans are available for larger budgets, and be further assured we offer no questionable link building schemes at all! 

How we work.

  • Evaluate your website for suitability
  • Competitor assessment
  • Establish your SEO Goals
  • Work within Google Guidelines 
  • Establishing gaps and missed USP’s
  • Develop and agree a strategy
  • Transparent reporting
  • Assigned project manager for duration

We would love to hear from you

We can also help if your online business has been sanctioned by a Google update or if you have any concerns over the current one, Mobile Friendliness, which rolled out 21st april 2015.