Services. ” Core essentials “
Vertical consulting. Digital agency services and consultancy! You know “core essentials” that make your website perform really well.
Responsive Web Design
Have you ever wondered how to get the best return on your Internet marketing budget? You need responsive web design. As more and more devices come onto the market you need to ensure that your web content is compatible with them. From desktops to smartphones and laptops to tablets, responsive web design makes it possible for you to have one website with one URL and communicating one message. Everyone has the same excellent viewing experience.
Social Media Marketing
You’ll probably be aware of the huge role that social media plays in connecting today’s world. But did you know how vital it is for your business to make the most of the valuable and free to access resource. Vertical Consulting will work with you to plan your social media output and complete a strategy for the way forward. An excellent and informed planning process is essential if you want to get the best returns for your efforts. Pre-engaged high quality traffic
PPC Management
If your have a business to run you don‘t always have the time to concentrate on marketing initiatives, such as PPC campaigns. You can take the worry of your campaign off your shoulders by using the services of Vertical Consulting. You’ll get a full service including close monitoring of your click through rates and the amount of conversions you get from these clicks. This helps you to manage your PPC marketing budget efficiently going forward.
WordPress SEO
As an easy to use and effective content management system (CMS), WordPress is extremely popular with users. It presents an easily accessible way of getting your information online for an affordable cost. Uploading images is straightforward and you have the option of creating SEO tags to optimize your search engine performance. Getting expert assistance with WordPress SEO gives you the edge in making sure that you use the in system facilities to their maximum potential to get the best return on your marketing budget.
Search Engine Optimisation
If you want your website to rank well with search engines then the keywords you use on your page, and the Meta data you use behind it, need to be effective. Combine great SEO with paid Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and informative and creative content, and you’ll attract more leads to your page as your search engine rankings improve. Expert SEO is all about combining excellent writing with knowledgeable marketing to get the desired result.
PPC Audits
Think about it, if you invest a proportion of your advertising budget in PPC you need to know that you’re getting a useful return on your investment. You may think that you only pay when someone clicks on your advertisement, so that’s a good investment right? It’s not that simple, what conversions are you achieving? Vertical Consulting look at your PPC campaigns in detail and identify where savings and improvements can be made.
Ecommerce SEO
Much like any website SEO, shopping sites can also be optimized for their search engine listings. There are ways of ensuring that your site rises up the rankings. If you have a particular product that you want to place emphasis on this is also possible. Just speak to the experts at Vertical Consulting and we can discuss your SEO requirements.
Local Search Optimisation
The Internet is a global shop window that gives you access to shoppers from all over the world. But it’s still important that you rank highly in local searches; you don’t want to miss out on custom from clients in your geographical area. Get in touch with the experienced team at Vertical Consulting and we’ll use our expertise to make sure that you attract high figures in local search engine results. We’ll even deal with the verification process for you.
Search Engine Marketing
You want your website to be visible online; there’s no point in it being there otherwise. SEM is about maximizing your search engine rankings using a combination of methods. These methods include writing your website to be SEO friendly and paying for online advertising that raises your profile, such as Pay per Click (PPC) marketing. It’s about making sure that your website is designed in such a way that it’s regarded as useful and informative, and it’s about making sure that traffic is directed to your site when on-line searches are made.
Negative Keywords
You may get the wrong idea about negative keywords and think that they aren’t a good thing for your Internet marketing campaign. This couldn’t be further from the truth. A negative keyword stops people from being directed to your site if they input that word in their search. For instance if someone uses the word “free” and that’s not part of what you’re offering then using free as a negative keyword can prevent this person from being directed to your site. Vertical consulting can manage your negative keywords for you so that they have the optimum effect.
One of the most important things to remember is that your website is about your customers more than it is about you. This means that you have to know your customer demographic and what they are looking for. Using this information you need to ensure that the copy on your website is suitably written. What will visitors to your site be looking for, what information will you need to provide and what will they see in you that makes you stand out from your competitors? Talk to the experts at Vertical Consulting and we’ll make sure that the copywriting for your website is professional and effective.
Managed Servers
If you value security and speed it’s often a good idea to host your site on your own server instead of sharing. With this service from Vertical Consulting you also get the benefit of the Content Delivery Network (CDN) feature. This means that your content is delivered faster and with a higher degree of security, ultimately viewers of your website benefit from faster page load times.